Teaching. |
Danica L. Lombardozzi
Community Terrestrial Systems Model (CTSM) TutorialCTSM is a unified land model for climate, weather, hydrology, and ecology, where the Community Land Model (CLM5) is an instantiation of CTSM. The CTSM tutorial was designed to introduce participants to the ecological, biogeochemical, biogeophysical, and hydrologic theory underpinning of the CTSM model using a combination of detailed lectures and practical sessions. All presentations and practicals are available online, and everyone is encouraged to use these to learn how to use CTSM.
Flux CourseThe fluxcourse is a two week workshop for graduate students, postdocs and early career scientists in the Indian Peaks mountains, west of Boulder, CO. The curriculum committee has been working hard to revamp the curriculum for the 2019 Flux Course, which will include topics ranging from leaf-level fluxes, tower fluxes, and modeling fluxes. You can learn about the course curriculum
Scientist-in-Residence |
Other Teaching Opportunities |
I established the Scientist-in-Residence program at Hayground School using a mentor-apprenticeship model. Children at the school, who range in age from 3 to 13, were research associates for my projects, including the impacts of acid rain on plants, changes in benthic invertebrate communities in ponds along a rural-urban gradient, and mapping beach erosion. Under this model, students learned the important nature of inquiry and the scientific process using hands-on experiences.
I have been a guest instructor for several short courses and tutorials, including the New Advances in Carbon Cycle Modeling, the Norwegian Research School on Changing Climates, and the Community Earth System Model Tutorial. I have also had the opportunity to lecture in graduate and undergraduate courses at CU-Boulder, Colorado College, and Colorado School of Mines, and have talked in several high school classes. I currently serve on the International Evaluation Board for the Norwegian Research School (CHESS).